Sunday, October 28, 2007

a night to remember

KK, originally uploaded by gaurang.

last night was one of those wonderful nights to remember. it was like dream came true. KK is my favorite singer, and i had apportunity to sing along with him, as he was in ahmedabad last night. it was a celebration night by Kotak Wealth Management, at Taj. the night was stunning, simply superb. I loved all his songs, and he was in his best mood last night. though there were only 110-120 people to listen to him as it was a special occasion for Kotak WM. but it was a chance to meet the best some of the businessmen in Ahmedabad. KK really made us dance and sing along with him, a superb experience to remember. and today was the shopping day. spend some 3-4 hours to buy some jeans and Ts. well, lets cross my finger for good from Share Market, otherwise it will be difficult for me to pay those bills. hah !!

well, i just said, its difficult to talk to u while u call from yr shop, so pls dont call from IGA. but damn, she didnt listen and just hang up the phone. ok than....

i m still waiting for my iPhone. may be..........hope that may be i will get it in 2 days.

1 comment:

themesmerizer team said...

KK Rocks..
Its my absolute pleasure to invite you to visit KK's first ever fan site.( .Please register yourself in the faneteria section and feel connected wid kk and his fans across the globe..

Thanks in advance..
The mesemerizer team..